Monday, March 1, 2010

Finally Home!

Finally home and able to get some equine therapy!

The boys looked to be in fine form...


And the first signs of spring are showing with them both shedding hair as if they were going bald. You can just touch them and hair goes flying all over the place.

I decided to work Ollie a bit so he would behave for his lesson on Tuesday. For not being worked in awhile and with his busy body personality, he was pretty darn good! The only time he became too much of a busy body was when he was circling me while I tried to tie up the stirrups to longe him.



Toby will be worked later today and hopefully he'll be good. He usually is his best when I ride him after being away for awhile. It's as if he me to remember that he's a good horse too...


On the drive back from Lexington (via Detroit to visit my parents), we stopped in Cadillac, MI for an Equine Expo where I knew Betsy was going to have a booth and speak about dressage. We arrived just when Betsy was speaking. She did a nice job of explaining the history of dressage as well as dispel the myth that dressage is a "prissy" sport. We know it's NOT Prissy!! Betsy mentioned that few dressage riders, except at the highest level of competition, have grooms to help them. Dressage people are the "do it themselves" type. I never thought about that. In my hunter/jumper days we had grooms! Usually it was one of the kids in the barn trying to make a few bucks to help with expenses. So this begs the question, do any of you utilize a groom when you show? I know I don't since I started riding dressage.


Betsy is such a nice person and an excellent representative of the sport. I'm just lucky to be able to work with her!



  1. I've never used a groom in my years of showing from Training Level through Prix St. George; a handful of times a kind friend who has come to watch me show has offered a hand, and I hardly know what to do with them!

    That top photo is perfect, with Ollie's head against the dark background of Toby and his blanket. What a shot!

  2. I am lucky to have someone to help me at all at the shows. I have to carry a grooming "bucket" with rag, brush, etc., and toss whatever I use into the bucket as it is my turn to Enter at A. ;o)

    Love Betsy's outfit. Proof positive that dressage people are down to earth (and "down home"). ;oD

  3. In case you're interested in blogging awards I have one for you over on my blog.

  4. Do I have a groom? No. I'm the one who tries to convince everyone else they should pay me to groom... and then I just go do it for free because I like to help with the horses.

    And I love the pictures, especially #1 and #3. Oh, and also #2.

  5. I have never used a groom. I have been groom to many many people. I usually don't trust others to get my horse ready lol, I just feel the most comfortable when I groom and tack my horse, because that way I know everything was done to my liking. Call me crazy, but I doubt I will EVER use a groom. I also use the getting ready time to assess mental status of my horse. I will let my trainer help me get the horse ready, but I still feel like I have to triple check everything, even though she taught me how to ready the horse for shows. *shrug* Maybe I'm weird. :)
