Ollie's tummy is now receiving Gastroguard and breaking this owners bank... but I had to do it. I've noticed an immediate change to his demeanor in the first 24 hours. He just seems more relaxed and comfortable. No more of the "I gotta move" type actions. He's acting like a normal horse. He's even put on a bunch of weight since I got home a week ago. I think he's the heaviest I've ever seen him! Which isn't too heavy at all.
So we had our lessons on Tuesday. Ollie didn't perform quite the way I had hoped. After some discussion with Betsy and my vet, we believe his back is a little out of whack and making him uncomfortable. My vet said that is very common with horses who have digestive issues. When I get back from my next business trip, I'll be sure to have the chiropractor out. But here he is for all of you to see, in action with Betsy on board:
He's so darn cute. I'm still hopeful we will conquer and I will finally get the key to keeping him healthy and comfortable.

Then there was me and Toby...

I swear I see "sassiness" in his eyes. But I think he's a BLAST to ride. He keeps me on my toes, makes me work and he adores me all at the same time.

And since I made one video, I had to do another. For those music aficionados, you'll notice the husband and wife team I picked for each video (Elvis Costello-Diana Krall). :)
You can tell we haven't been working too hard lately but I sure had fun...
Now I'm off again to the left coast to work the U.S. Senior Open. I'll be happy when this stretch of business trips is done!